Σάββατο 8 Ιανουαρίου 2011

Michel Houellebecq, The Art of Fiction No. 206

Απόσπασμα από την συνέντευξη του Μισέλ Ουελμπέκ στο Paris Review. Ολόκληρη, πατήστε το όνομά του: είναι περίπου 8.500 λέξεις, 30 σελίδες δηλαδή.

Michel Houellebecq


"I want to be loved despite my faults. It isn’t exactly true that I’m a provocateur. A real provocateur is someone who says things he doesn’t think, just to shock. I try to say what I think."


What do you think is the appeal of your work, in spite of its brutality?


There are too many answers. The first is that it’s well written. Another is that you sense obscurely that it’s the truth. Then there’s a third one, which is my favorite: because it’s intense. There is a need for intensity. From time to time, you have to forsake harmony. You even have to forsake truth. You have to, when you need to, energetically embrace excessive things. Now I sound like Saint Paul.

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