Παρασκευή 27 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Salon’s top critics choose the best books of 2013

Salon’s What to Read Awards: Top critics choose the best books of 2013

Will it be Donna Tartt or Rachel Kushner? We've polled the best reviewers and compiled the definitive year in books

Salon's What to Read Awards: Top critics choose the best books of 2013
A lot of publications feature lists of the best books of the year, but we like to do something a little bit different: Poll some of our favorite book critics to come up with some kind of consensus on what you should read. It’s our way of trying to make sense of the ceaseless barrage of lists, which seems to begin earlier and earlier each year.
So without further ado, here’s the second annual What to Read Awards with the year’s best nonfiction and fiction, debuts and overlooked books, unlikable characters and books most likely to join the canon.
The What to Read Awards critics’ poll of 2013′s top 10 books:

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