Σάββατο 29 Μαΐου 2021

What We Lose When Literary Criticism Ends


Τι συμβαίνει με την κριτική και τον λόγο της που όλο και υποβαθμίζεται; 

Ένα άρθρο που, μολονότι αφορά τον Καναδά και την βιβλιοκριτική, συμπίπτει σε πολλά σημεία με όσα βιώνουμε στα δικά μας εδάφη...

....The ubiquity of social media is often offered up as a solution to the paucity of mainstream book criticism. While it is no longer possible to earn a living as a working critic, the internet has provided us with arguably more amateur criticism than at any other point in history, from BookTube to Bookstagram to Twitter Books. The BookTube Network, found on YouTube, describes itself as “a unified collaborative project channel maintained by members of the BookTube community.” It currently boasts 5,900 subscribers. On Instagram, the #bookstagram hashtag has more than 60 million posts to date....

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