Κυριακή 28 Οκτωβρίου 2007

Η (λογοτεχνική) λίστα best sellers των New York Times

Εκεί, στην άλλη άκρη της Αμερικής, στους New York Times, σκέφτηκαν ότι αδικείται η λογοτεχνία να μην "βλέπει το φως" της αγοράς αφού στα πρώτα είκοσι και βάλε μυθιστορήματα κυριαρχούν τα άθλια τούβλα που ονομάζονται "ευπώληπτα". Κι έτσι έφτιαξαν μια "ποιοτική" λίστα με λογοτεχνικά βιβλία που ουδέποτε θα έφταναν στα μάτια του κοινού που συνήθως χρησιμοποιεί τις λίστες ως αναγνωστικό οδηγό. Κι έτσι, τι χαρά, να βλέπεις τον Μαρκές στην κορυφή και τον Τζέφρι Ευγενίδη στην δεκάδα καθώς και τον αγαπημένο μου Ντέιβ Έγκερς! Εντάξει τον Μαρκές και τον Ευγενίδη τους πρότεινε η Όπρα στο κλαμπ, μακάρι να είχαμε κι εμείς μια μεσημεριανή κυρία να στέλνει χιλιάδες θεατές την άλλη μέρα στα βιβλιοπωλεία.
Καλό παράδειγμα και για μας όπου σε στήλες ευπώληπτων ββλίων κάτω από την ονομασία "Ελληνική Λογοτεχνία" στεγάζονται μαγικά ματζούνια, σουτιέν, ποτάμια δάκρυα, καλλυντικά, συνταγές Βέφας και άλλες ακαθαρσίες.

The New York Times

November 4, 2007

Paperback Trade Fiction


On List
1 LOVE IN THE TIME OF CHOLERA, by Gabriel García Márquez. (Vintage International, $14.95.) A Colombian poet’s love for a woman is tested. 3
2 WATER FOR ELEPHANTS, by Sara Gruen. (Algonquin, $13.95.) A young man — and an elephant — save a Depression-era circus. 7
3 THE KITE RUNNER, by Khaled Hosseini. (Riverhead, $15.95 and $14.) An Afghan-American returns to Kabul to learn how a childhood friend has fared under the Taliban. 7
4 THE MEMORY KEEPER’S DAUGHTER, by Kim Edwards. (Penguin, $14.) A doctor’s decision to secretly send his newborn daughter, who has Down syndrome, to an institution haunts everyone involved. 7
5 THE THIRTEENTH TALE, by Diane Setterfield. (Washington Square, $15.) A biographer struggles to discover the truth about an aging writer who has mythologized her past. 2
6 MIDDLESEX, by Jeffrey Eugenides. (Picador, $15.) An epic story about three generations of Greek-Americans, told by a hermaphrodite. 7
7 WHAT IS THE WHAT, by Dave Eggers. (Vintage, $15.95.) The fictionalized autobiography of one of Sudan’s “Lost Boys,” refugees from its civil war. 2
8 THE PARTING, by Beverly Lewis. (Bethany House, $13.99.) A rift in an Amish community threatens to keep a courting couple apart. 4
9 * SUITE FRANÇAISE, by Irène Némirovsky. (Vintage, $14.95.) Two novellas, which came to light more than 50 years after the author’s death at Auschwitz. 7
10 WORLD WAR Z, by Max Brooks. (Three Rivers, $14.95.) An “oral history” of an imagined Zombie War that nearly destroys civilization. 1
11 THE ALCHEMIST, by Paulo Coelho. (HarperSanFrancisco, $13.95 and $13.) A Spanish shepherd boy travels to Egypt in search of treasure. 7
12 DEAR JOHN, by Nicholas Sparks. (Warner, $13.99.) An unlikely romance between a soldier and an idealistic young woman is tested in the aftermath of 9/11. 7
13 * THE BEST AMERICAN SHORT STORIES 2007, edited by Stephen King and Heidi Pitlor. (Houghton Mifflin, $14.) Selections include works by T. C. Boyle, John Barth, William Gay and Karen Russell. 5
14 MY SISTER’S KEEPER, by Jodi Picoult. (Washington Square, $14.) A girl sues her parents after learning they want her to donate a kidney to her sibling. 7
15 SNOW FLOWER AND THE SECRET FAN, by Lisa See. (Random House, $13.95.) The lives of two women in 19th-century China. 7
16 THE EMPEROR’S CHILDREN, by Claire Messud. (Vintage, $14.95.) Privileged 30-somethings try to make their way in literary New York just before 9/11. 7
17 THE ROAD, by Cormac McCarthy. (Vintage, $14.95.) A father and son travel in post-apocalypse America. 7
18 * THE GATHERING, by Anne Enright. (Black Cat/Grove, $14.) A middle-aged woman struggles to come to terms with the suicide of her brother; the winner of this year’s Man Booker Prize. 1
19 THE BOLEYN INHERITANCE, by Philippa Gregory. (Touchstone, $16.) Politics and treachery in the court of Henry VIII. 7
20 DIGGING TO AMERICA, by Anne Tyler. (Ballantine, $14.95.) Two families, one of them Iranian-American, become involved with each other when both adopt baby girls from Korea. 6

Also Selling
21 THE ARCTIC EVENT, by James H. Cobb (Grand Central)
22 PLAIN TRUTH, by Jodi Picoult (Washington Square Press)
23 LOST AND FOUND, by Carolyn Parkhurst (Back Bay)
24 LOVE WALKED IN, by Marisa de los Santos (Plume)
25 CAROLINE'S CHILD AND DR. TEXAS, by Debbie Macomber (Mira)
26 JUST BEYOND THE CLOUDS, by Karen Kingsbury (Center Street)
27 THE INHERITANCE OF LOSS, by Kiran Desai (Grove)
28 CAN'T WAIT TO GET TO HEAVEN, by Fannie Flagg (Ballantine)
29 NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, by Cormac McCarthy (Vintage)
31 THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL, by Philippa Gregory (Touchstone)
32 THE ECHO MAKER, by Richard Powers (Picador)
33 SOMETHING BLUE, by Emily Giffin (St Martin's)
34 INES OF MY SOUL, by Isabel Allende (Harper Perennial)
35 THE JANE AUSTEN BOOK CLUB, by Karen Joy Fowler (Plume)

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Ε-Π-Ι-Τ-Ε-Λ-Ο-Υ-Σ !

    κάποιος να τα πει κι αυτά.

    αυτή η χώρα έχει τα κακά της (ων ουκ έστιν αριθμός), έχει όμως και τα όμορφά της...

    για να δούμε!
    θα βρει μιμητές;

    γεια και χαρά!


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