Κυριακή 21 Ιουνίου 2009

Μικρές ιστορίες τριών λεπτών διαβάζει ο James Wood

Ο κριτικός του New Yorker επιλέγει μικρές ιστορίες 500-600 λέξεων στο NPR. Διαβάστε το σκεπτικό του για την δύναμη του σύντομου λόγου. Εδώ επιλέγει την Lydia Davis, τη μούσα του Dave Eggers και του περιοδικού McSweeny's

Three-Minute Fiction: Send Us Your Stories

Submit Your Story

By submitting your original work of fiction, you are agreeing to the rules and terms of agreement of this contest below.

To submit your story, click on the link below. Select "Other" as your subject on the contact form and paste the text of your story in the "Body" field.

Example: 'For Sixty Cents'

"For Sixty Cents" is a terse story, just over 200 words, that brings a moment in a Brooklyn coffee shop to life. It's fragmentary and suggestive, like the pieces Wood expects to hear from listeners.

"For Sixty Cents" by Lydia Davis. Copyright Lydia Davis. The story was originally published in Varieties of Disturbance by Lydia Davis (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2007) and will also appear in The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis to be published in October 2009 by Farrar, Straus & Giroux.

About James Wood

James Wood
Miriam Berkley

James Wood has been a staff writer and book critic at The New Yorker since 2007. He was the chief literary critic at the Guardianin London from 1992 to 1995 and a senior editor at The New Republicfrom 1995 to 2007. His critical essays have been collected in two volumes: The Broken Estate: Essays on Literature and Belief(1999) and The Irresponsible Self: On Laughter and the Novel (2004), which was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. He is also the author of a novel, The Book Against God (2003), and a study of technique in the novel,How Fiction Works (2008). He lives in Boston and teaches half-time at Harvard University, where he is professor of the practice of literary criticism.

All Things Considered, June 20, 2009 · At NPR, we love to hear, and tell, your real-life stories every day. Now, we want to hear your fiction as well.

This summer, we're beginning a contest called "Three-Minute Fiction." The premise is simple: Listeners send in original short stories that can be read in three minutes or less — that's usually about 500-600 words long.

James Wood, literary critic forThe New Yorker and author of the book How Fiction Works, will serve as NPR's "Three-Minute Fiction" guide. Wood will appear on-air throughout the summer to read his favorite submissions, and we'll also post them here on NPR.org.

Wood tells NPR's Guy Raz that writing a 500-word story "strikes at the very heart of the short story as a project, which is to get something going rapidly." Writing three-minute fiction is good practice. Think, he says, of the masters of the short story, like Anton Chekhov, who began his career writing comic squibs for newspapers.

"This is something that interests all writers, not just short-story writers, but novelists, too," Woods says. "How do you get a character, as it were, into a room and up and going within a sentence or two?"

"One of the most effective ways to get a very short story vivid," he says, "is to think in terms of voice." Maybe the character narrates the story, for example, or perhaps the story is told within the consciousness of the character. "In other words," Wood says, "thinking in terms of the story as a dramatic monologue."

Woods offers a piece by Lydia Davis to show how powerful a very brief short story can be. "For Sixty Cents" is a terse story, just over 200 words, that brings a moment in a Brooklyn coffee shop to life. It's fragmentary and suggestive, like the pieces Wood expects to hear from listeners.

"I'm going to be looking at a writer's ability to suggest a world, rather than to fill it in and dot every i."

Wood's reading of "For Sixty Cents" clocks in at 1 minute, 3 seconds — proof that a good story can be told in three minutes or less.

Now, lend us your imagination.

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