Πέμπτη 9 Οκτωβρίου 2014

European Prize for Literature

Prize: European Union Prize for Literature 

       They've announced the winners of the European Union Prize for Literature -- all thirteen of them -- though they only identify authors (and nationality) in the official announcement, despite apparently also being for a specific title -- see the list of corresponding books
       Much as I like the idea of fostering and supporting literature from everywhere, the EUPL is ... unwieldy, to put it mildly. Thirty-seven countries are involved; each gets to name a domestic EUPL winner -- but only once every three years, so that they only have to announce/hand out twelve or thirteen of these in a given year (thirty-seven would apparently be too much to handle). 
       Still, some promising young authors have won these; one of this year's winners is Thrown into Nature-author Milen Ruskov, while Evie Wyld is the UK-winner. 

(Posted by: M.A.Orthofer)    permanent link -

{Ο βραβευθείς από Ελλάδα είναι ο  Μάκης Τσίτας}

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